One Day In Vienna: The Perfect Solo Travel Itinerary

When you think of Vienna, Austria, a few things probably come to mind: classical music, art, and coffee houses. But Vienna is far more than that. It is a city to be savored. The rich history, vibrant culture, and relaxed atmosphere of Austria’s capital beg visitors to slow down and truly enjoy their time – not simply snap an Instagram photo and hustle on to the next destination.

There is a subtle magic to the juxtaposition of Vienna’s bustling streets and quiet alleyways that is hard to find elsewhere. As the historical home of the Habsburg Empire, famous composers such as Mozart, Haydn, Schubert and Beethoven, and artists like Klimt, Schiele and Wagner, Vienna has no shortage of historical relevance and fascinating stories to tell.

Vienna is chock full of stunning palaces, incredible museums, tranquil courtyards, fascinating art galleries, old churches and delicious restaurants.

Although one day in Vienna may seem like too brief a visit (and more time is never a bad thing), when you’re traveling solo, it can be a lot easier to focus in on the most important sights and cut out the extra touristy stuff. Unless touristy stuff is your jam, in which case – don’t be afraid to add that stuff back in – you can easily tailor this itinerary to your interests.

Ready to explore this beautiful city? Let’s dive in and go through the best things to do in Vienna in just one day as a solo traveler (all of these spots will work great for trips with a travel buddy too, of course).

Vienna Travel Tips

When To Visit Vienna

The best time to visit Vienna is from April to May or September to October. The weather is beautifully mild in the spring and fall and you can escape the summer crowds during these off-season months. Avoid traveling to Vienna between June and August if possible, as tourists swarm the city and hotel rates skyrocket.

How To Get Around Vienna

There are so many options for transportation in Vienna! Many visitors (myself included) find that Vienna is such a walkable city, they can often get to most places comfortably on foot. For further distances or those with mobility considerations, Vienna’s tram system (which is 6th largest in the world!) is a delightful way to get from Point A to Point B while also seeing the city above ground.

An underground train system, public buses, taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber are other easily accessible options. Explore more information on Vienna’s excellent public transportation system and find the best way to get around!

Pro Tip: Put Your Phone Down

Vienna is a city best experienced firsthand. Fight the urge to document every little moment on your Instagram Stories and tuck your smartphone away to soak up the city on a deeper level. Stop in at shops or restaurants that catch your eye. Strike up conversations with store owners or fellow coffee shop goers and learn their stories. Push yourself to try new things and take the time to be curious about your surroundings.

As a solo traveler, it can be tempting to bury your nose in your phone in order to fend off any social discomfort you might experience as someone going it alone. However, your adventures in Vienna will be so much more memorable and special if you fully live them in real time, versus merely being a witness to them through a phone screen. Resist the desire to “look busy” and simply be present. You’ll be so glad you did.

Learn more about exploring Vienna unplugged here.

Why This Vienna Itinerary Is Different

This guide to one day in Vienna is all about quality, not quantity. If you’re looking for a jam-packed, let’s-see-everything travel guide, this isn’t it, y’all. Instead, we’re going to focus on slowing down, savoring your surroundings, eating good food, listening to good music, and spending time outside.

Feel free to add in additional activities or swap out sights that are priorities for you personally – don’t be afraid to make this one day in Vienna your own!

What To Eat In Vienna

Vienna is famous for rich, hearty dishes such as Weiner schnitzel, but there is so much more to Viennese cuisine. If you’re a total foodie like me, be sure to take notes on what foods you should try during your time in Vienna! 

Savory Must-Eats In Vienna

  • Wiener schnitzel is an obvious choice, but a necessary mention. This traditional Viennese dish is made from a thin veal cutlet that’s breaded and pan-fried in butter or oil (and yes, there’s a difference). Fresh lemon and parsley often top the schnitzel, and it’s usually served with Austrian potato salad – which, by the way, is very different from American potato salad.
  • Erdäpfelsalat is that famous Austrian potato salad. No mayonnaise to be found in this version! Instead, it’s made with white wine vinegar, red onions, chives, some mustard, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, be sure to ask your waiter if their potato salad is made with chicken or meat stock. Typically served cold, many restaurants serve it warm in the winter.
  • Tafelspitz is a delicious, hearty dish made with beef or veal boiled in broth and usually served in the chillier fall and winter months. It is often accompanied by vegetables, horseradish and applesauce. Franz Joseph I, the former Emperor of Austria, was a big fan of tafelspitz, in case that tips the scales for you.

  • Wiener wurstel are Viennese sausages traditionally made from beef and pork, served with sharp mustard and easily found on street corners across Vienna. Perfect when paired with potato salad or other Austrian staples, these are a must.

Sweet Must-Eats In Vienna

  • Powidltascherl are plum jam turnovers whose name has a funny origin story. Back in the day, women making these delicious little desserts had to stir the batter for a long time. By hand. They would chit chat in order to pass the time, and the phrase “Das ist mir powidl” (which literally means “I don’t care”) somehow got intertwined with the baking of this dessert.

  • Apfelstrudel is German for apple strudel, AKA heaven in your mouth. Made from buttery, flaky pastry and stuffed with warm, stewed, cinnamon-y apples, apple strudel is a clear must-eat for any visitor to Vienna.

  • Sachertorte, Vienna’s most famous chocolate cake, is a delicious treat begging for a taste. Made with chocolate sponge cake interrupted by thin layers of apricot jam and topped with a semi-firm dark chocolate icing, sachertorte can be found all across the city. Its original home, the Sacher Hotel, is one of the most popular spots visitors flock to. An equally scrumptious version can be found at Demel, another one of Vienna’s famous bakeries.

  • Melange is a particular style of Viennese coffee that locals swear by and visitors often search for. Similar to a cappuccino this coffee drink is topped with half hot milk and half foamed milk. A perfect pick-me-up after a long morning wandering around Vienna.

Where To Stay In Vienna

There are lots of different options when it comes to accommodations in Vienna, ranging from backpacker-friendly hostels to 5-star luxury hotels. No matter your budget, you will find something to match your travel style in Vienna. Here are a few top options for all price ranges:

Budget Accommodations

  • wombat CITY Hostels Vienna is the perfect choice for those on a budget looking for a boutique-style hostel with friendly staff in a convenient, central location.
  • CH-Budget Center Rooms are another great option for travelers in search of a clean, comfortable place to stay.

Mid-Range Accommodations

  • 25 Hours Hotel at MuseumsQuartier was an absolute dream to stay at during my time in Vienna. Beautifully designed, cozy but well-appointed rooms and common spaces, a rooftop bar, sauna, movie room, reading area, friendly staff, and the most insanely delicious breakfast buffet (included in your room rate!) Perfectly located in the MuseumsQuartier area, it is a quick and easy walk to dozens of famous museums, coffee shops, and historic neighborhoods such as Spittelberg.
  • Motel One Wien-Hauptbahnhof boasts a fresh, boutique hotel design and atmosphere, plentiful and delicious breakfast spread, and even a sprawling rooftop lounge space.

Luxury Accommodations

  • Palais Coburg was literally built for royalty – a prince, to be exact. It’s no wonder that this 5-star hotel feels both exclusive (with only 33 suites available) and luxurious.

  • Hotel Sacher Wien is known for being the original home of the sachertorte (chocolate cake) and is perfectly situated right across from the Vienna State Opera House. Classic, historic, and opulent, a stay at this hotel is a truly unique Viennese experience.

One Day In Vienna: A Relaxed Itinerary

Eat A Hearty Breakfast

Whether you choose to eat your first meal of the day at your hotel’s breakfast buffet (ahem – another casual plug for 25 Hours Hotel and their amazing breakfast spread) or want to try some more traditional Austrian foods, there are plenty of options.

Here are a couple breakfast spots for you to choose from:

  • Palmenhaus at Burggarten is an epic way to start your first day in Vienna. Dining in a glass greenhouse filled to the ceiling with lush climbing plants and palm trees is the most unique way to enjoy your breakfast experience. Located next to the National Library and Hofburg Imperial Palace, it’s the perfect place to start your Vienna adventures.
  • Vollpension is an adorable, socially-conscious brunch spot run by Austrian grannies. Feels like stepping into the coziest cafe ever, tastes like your grandmother’s cooking. Because it is. The concept is based around providing a place for retired folks in Vienna to work in a relaxed environment, injecting some meaning and purpose into their often lonely, quiet days. The cafe serves as a space for young and old people to interact while offering up the most delicious recipes. Best idea ever, right?

Pick Your Museum(s) Of Choice

My top museum recommendation is the Kunsthistoriches Museum Wien (Art History Museum) because of its central location, incredibly diverse collection, exquisite architecture and design, and overall wow factor.

Opened in 1891, it is the largest art museum in the country, even housing the massive 2000+ piece art collection from the royal Habsburg Family. It is both visually stunning and historically invaluable.

Don’t miss the glorious marble-halled café featuring plush red velvet seating situated under the gorgeous cupola of the museum. Take the elevator up to the top floor for an incredible bird’s eye view of the café (as pictured above) and closer look at the ceiling details.

Allow 1-2 hours to explore here, depending on your interest level. More time if you’re an art history fanatic.

Note: Cameras are allowed (even DSLRs) as long as you don’t use flash. Backpacks or large bags can be left with coat room attendants and stored for free during your visit but are not allowed inside the museum.

Pro Tip: Stop By The Palace of Justice

Vienna’s stunning Palace of Justice is a quick and easy add-on to your one day in Vienna itinerary, and shouldn’t be missed! This historic building features incredibly intricate architecture, pastel colors, a sweeping staircase topped by Lady Justice, and even rooftop views from the building’s cafeteria.

As this is a working, fully functional government building, you will need to pass through a security checkpoint before entering the building. The security team will ask you to leave certain things (like umbrellas) with them during your time at the Palace of Justice, which you can then pick up on your way out.

To access the beautiful rooftop views, take the elevator (located right inside the main part of the building to the left – it’s a bit hidden!) up to the top floor and pop outside to take in the fresh air and gorgeous 360-degree overview of Vienna. This area is a cafeteria for the workers, so be respectful of their space and the fact that they likely don’t want tourists swarming their lunch hour. I recommend going early on in the morning to avoid any lunchtime crowds.

Justizpalast – The Palace of Justice
Address: Schmerlingplatz 10, 1010 Vienna
Opening times: Monday-Friday 07-16:30h

Other museums you may want to explore:

  • The Belvedere is a Baroque palace housing works by some of Austria’s most famous and valuable artists (Klimt, for example!)
  • The Naturhistorisches Museum (Natural History Museum) is perfect for earth and natural history lovers, complete with dinosaur hall.

  • The Leopold Museum is a unique museum that is home to an extensive Viennese art nouveau collection. Best for modern art enthusiasts. Contains the largest Egon Schiele collection in the world.
  • The Albertina was established in 1776 and currently contains over 1 million prints and 60,000 drawings (so – just a few!) Featuring works by renowned artists like Monet, Klimt, Degas, Renoir, Dürer, Picasso, Rothko, and more, it’s a can’t-miss museum for art fans of all kinds.

More detailed museum information available here!

Eat Lunch At A Cafe

From traditional Viennese bistros to sidewalk cafés, gastropubs, vegan/vegetarian options and more, Vienna has something for everyone! Depending on your choice of museum and what neighborhood you end up in, you’ll have no shortage of culinary options at your fingertips. Explore a wide variety of delicious food spots here.

Try Vienna’s Most Famous Dessert

Yep, it’s time to try that good ol’ Sachertorte. Just go for it. Thank me later. You can grab a slice of the Viennese cake at its original home, the Sacher Hotel or try its competitor’s version at Demel, one of Vienna’s beloved bakeries.

Spend Some Time Outdoors

Vienna is recognized as being one of the greenest cities in the world! With roughly half of its urban space dedicated to parks or open land, a green space is never hard to find. Pick a spot, bring a book, and spend an hour or so relaxing in one of Vienna’s beautiful outdoor spaces. Read more here.

In the mood for something more active? Take a bike ride! For around 4 euro an hour, you can easily rent a bicycle and explore Vienna on two wheels.

Take A Break At A Classic Coffee Shop

Pausing in the afternoon for a coffee shop break is standard fare for the Viennese, and should be a part of your one day in Vienna plan as well. Giving your legs a break after all that museum wandering while getting a little pick-me-up will recharge you for the second half of your day.

Sitting in a cozy, plush booth or classic wooden table while people-watching as Vienna passes you by will give you a fresh perspective on the people and the city you are lucky enough to be exploring. Don’t underestimate the value of taking a break during your travels – it often offers a renewed sense of appreciation and curiosity which will serve you well during your trip.

Top Viennese Coffee Shop Recommendations

More coffee shop tips here.

Let Yourself Wander

One of the best things to do in Vienna is let go of expectations and simply enjoy strolling around the city. Release the need to schedule out every second of your day and let yourself wander. Turn down streets that look interesting. Pop in and out of shops that catch your eye. Peek into one of the city’s many historic churches.

Your most memorable moments will always come from experiences like this – don’t be afraid to slow down and soak up each magical corner of Vienna at whatever pace feels comfortable to you.

Go On A Solo Dinner Date

Take yourself out for a delicious meal before moving on to your evening activities. There are so many different options, you’re sure to find something you like! Here are a few choices to get you started:

  • Augustinerkeller Bitzinger (Austrian), Augustinerstraße 1, 1010 Wien, Austria
  • Veggiezzz (Vegan), Opernring 6, 1010 Wien, Austria
  • Ganesha (Indian), Antonigasse 9 Martinstrasse, Vienna 1180 Austria
  • ef16 Restaurant (Austrian), Fleischmarkt 16 | 1010 Vienna, Vienna 1010, Austria
  • Naschmarkt (open-air market), Kettenbrückengasse, Vienna 1040, Austria

Experience Vienna’s Famous Music Scene

Did you know that you can see the world-famous Vienna State Opera for just 3 euro? It’s true! By showing up 80-90 minutes before showtime, you can get in line for these crazy cheap tickets and enjoy the opera for yourself. Note that these aree standing-room only tickets, which means…you’ll be standing for quite awhile.

Wear comfortable shoes and bring a scarf (for tying around the railing to “reserve” your spot once you get inside).

Another fun, affordable option is going to see a string quartet perform famous Viennese composers’ work inside a historic church (highly recommend!) for around 25 euro. The Classic Ensemble Vienna frequently performs pieces by artists like Mozart, Hadyn and Schubert inside the ornately designed St. Peter’s Church. Fair warning: the beauty of it all may or may not make you cry a little.

The Vienna Philharmonic is also a popular choice for visitors and locals alike. More information can be found here.

Have more time in Vienna?

I’ve got you covered! Additional 2 and 3-day Vienna itineraries are coming soon!

Thanks again to the lovely folks at the Vienna Tourist Board for sponsoring this trip and hosting me during my first time in Vienna. I already can’t wait to go back for more!

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10 thoughts on “One Day In Vienna: The Perfect Solo Travel Itinerary”

  1. Enjoyed your post, and your pictures were great.. It reminded me of our short visit to Vienna last summer. We also enjoyed walking around and looking at all the amazing buildings and eating some wonderful food. Hope to make it back soon. Thanks for sharing and for the memories.

  2. I’ve been to Vienna several times. It has become my favorite city in the world! Thanks for sharing some tips of places even I’ve not ventured. Any excuse to return is always welcome. Just exploring it’s fabulous and varied hotels can keep one busy for years – I’ll now have to try 25hour hotel … I still think moving there “might” be the best idea !?

  3. Loved catching a glimpse of Vienna’s transportation infrastructure in one of your videos, and I appreciate the links you provide in this post for more details about bicycling and public transportation. Here’s to more walkable and bicycle-friendly cities, with excellent public transportation too!

  4. This is a great guide! I’m thinking of exploring Austria in the summer so this is a great start for some Vienna inspiration!

  5. Great guide. I so love Vienna. I’ve been numerous times, but there is so much to discover. I just love roaming the streets with no particular destination and soak in all Vienna has to offer.
    Thanks for the tip with the Palace of Justice, haven’t been in yet.
    And i totally second Vollpension as a recommendation. It is such a quirky cafe / restaurant and the food is just delicious.

  6. What a wonderful guide! I spent 2 days in Vienna solo and despite the cold and wind (it was January) I enjoyed myself. I just hear Sachertorte and I find myself dreaming of being back in the hotel enjoying a slice with hot chocolate. And, as a film lover, I loved seeing spots in the city where The Third Man was filmed. Wishing I was back now.

  7. Perfect and oh so pretty! Everything I needed to know about Vienna is here. Can’t wait to try the Powidltascherl!!

  8. You have me over here DROOOOLING with all these pictures! I’m amazed you can squeeze so many things in one day!

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